Thursday 2 February 2017

Old American Film, Requiem for a Dream(2000)

       Phew...Boom...Boom...Boom! Hi everyone, Chinese New Year(CNY) is coming soon and if you were the one who played fireworks then you should know what I mentioned for the first sentence. So, what our lecturer brought the movie before we celebrate CNY? The film was called Requiem for a Dream which was released in 2000. However, this was my first time to watch and I felt that its graphics look like my favourite old movie James Bond. 

Synopsis of the Film
       The movie was started with 4 characters who they are Sara Goldfarb, Harry, Marion Silver and Tyrone. They encountered the same problem which is taking drugs. For Sara, she increase the pills suggested by doctor because she was impatient to see the effect. Then, Harry, Marion and Tyrone want to make money so they also stepped on the black market which was selling drugs to other in order to make money. In the middle to become thin and make money, they have to take the drugs mostly every 1 or 2 days because they will experience pain to their bodies if they skip the drugs. So, what happened to them at last? Who was going to save them or they don't?  

Theory Discussion

(1) Film Form 1
       In most of the movie, it used the term form as pattern because professionals found out that our human can remember a pattern easily after seeing one time. For example, I remembered very clearly to the jump cut of scene showed the eye, cigarette and money because they gave something in pattern form.

       Then, formal expectation is also one of the film form can be seen in this movie. For example, a movie will try to use jump cut to move another part of the scene that something not dominant when there is a climax. This is wants to attract people and people will create expectations and sustains them in time just like the scene jumped to Sara after showing the other 3 how they encountered the problems they faced. 

       After that, we can also discuss about the function, motifs and development of a movie. For function, it can be explained the purpose of the film. For example, most of the movie added on some background music and sound effect (SFX) to make sure the narrative can deliver to audience vividly. 

       Moreover, a movie needs a motif which also can called theme. This is wants to ensure the other elements stick to the point so that the movie remains its position but not out of the theme. The last one will be the development. Development is very important because it is a process just like film production to make a successful movie. 

(2) Editing
       There are three type of major editing which they are continuity editing, soviet montage and jump cuts. For a continuity editing, it is By the book Cinema Studies: The Key Concept (2013) written by Susan Hayward with page 119 and line 24-25, she mentioned that this editing can be considered as an event follows 'naturally' on from another. It also can be explained like the shot of the scene is considered as one shot but no other cuts include in the scene. For example, they tried to escape from cops. The scene not showed cut by cut but they used one shot to show how Tyrone to be caught. 

       Next, soviet montage is the term that related to how the shots are put together to compare their differences. There are five types of montage but the only montage can be seen in this movie was intellectual montage. It used the collision of contrasting images to express abstract ideas and it will become metaphor which people need to guess what is the meaning behind the scene. For example, there is a shot showed 4 character lied down in the same way but different location. This is wants to show the effect of taking drugs and what the situation were they faced during that time by comparing them at different location. 

      On the other hand, the editing also included jump cuts which has a big different compares to continuity. This editing used cut by cut way to show deliver the message. For example, if a movie used too many continuity editing; the length of the movie will be longer and costly. To minimize this problem, this editing is a must to use in a film. For example, there was a scene shows very quickly and this considered as jump cut because the scene normally needs to show the normal speed but they speed it up. 
(3) Film Form 2     
     Narrative is very important for every movie and it must show in formal system which means everything need a plan and follow the sequence. What kind of narrative considered as formal system? For example, Classical Hollywood Cinema (CHC) is the one which refers to the cinema tradition that dominated Hollywood production from 1930s-1960s. 

      There are some elements which are cause and effect logic, plots and story, character motivation and closure and resolution. Firstly, cause and effect is very easy to see in Requiem for a Dream which was the cause was they wanted achieve their dreams quickly and the effect was they ended with lost their not their own images but also there was a warning to their health because of taking many drugs. 

       Secondly, the plots and story will be the setting of the movie. It tried to show what is the flow of the film and what is the props they are going to use. For example, the flow of this movie was narrated how the 4 character chased their dreams in shortcut way and they received something bad which the effects that I mentioned before. 

       Thirdly, character motivation also one of significant element for CHC because the character played the role to help in narrative of a movie just like Requiem for a Dream. Next, the last element will the closure and resolution; this is the part that represented the intro, climax and ending of the movie. If a movie lack any of these 3, the movie is not considered as a good movie because audience may not know what the message of the film.  

The best part that I loved 
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     The best scene that I loved was the scene focused on four characters and they were lied in the same direction and position. Not only that but also the surrounding for them were dark. This showed that the director wants to explain that how hardship situation were they at that time. This also alert us that we should not follow their shortcuts to achieve our dream because anything have to scarifice to get what you want to such as Sara wanted to become thin and ended up with her illusion problem. 

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Moreover, I loved the Marion acted when she was holding many bags of heroin and started to laugh. In this part, I think that she was crying instead of laughing. This is because she already sold her body to someone else and she not loves the one but Harry. Let me ask you one question. If you marry to someone which you not love, will you be happy when you are with him or her? Of course, the answer was no. For Marion, she already lost dignity after selling her body and she used laughing to cover the her sadness side.

I really enjoy when watching this movie because it is meaningful to our reality. Although some of the part was boring, the movie content was actually good. What I learnt from this movie was that a dream is not for us to requiem but to chase. In shot, you will never get your dream by saying but you have to action RIGHT NOW! Thanks for reading my blog.       

S.Hayward (2013), Cinema Studies: The Key Concepts, Fourth Edition, Routledge, London and New York.    


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