Sunday 23 April 2017

The Horror Documentary Film: The Blair Witch Project (1999)

So, I am going to watch one of the documentary film after Easy A. The movie called The Blair Witch Project (1999) directed by 2 persons which they were Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez. Before watching this, I knew that documentary film is the movie made with based on true story. 

     The movie started with 3 film makers Heather, Mike and Josh who planned to shoot a documentary related to 'Blair Witch'. After packing their belongings, they started to go to Burkittsville, Maryland because they heard from news said that was the place which can find blair witch. In the middle of interviewing, they get warned by other people not to look for it or else they would get something bad. Then, they stopped their car in the jungle and started to go for the place where other people said. Because of lost their way back to their car, they forced to stay in the jungle and they heard something weird near their camping zone. They found wooden stick and rock beside their zone and recalled that that was a sign for blair witch to hunt something. Do they find their back or they will stay in fear in the jungle forever? Who knows?

Theory Discussion

     This term was believed to start in 1900 which early of 20 century. From the book Cinema Studies: The Key Concept with page 112 and line 5-7, she referred Grierson's view who said the documentary should be an instrument of information, education and propaganda as well as a creative treatment of reality. To simplify this, it means we can learn something from the information given by documentary.

     Furthermore, Susan also stated documentary focuses on two major axes which one of them is the truth and the other one will be who is the speaking subject in page 111 and line 14-17. Just like in The Blair Witch Project, 3 of them tried to find some experienced people to interview because this can help to increase the level of trust by the audience to the film itself. 

      Since the documentary film is the movie that looking for truth, it cannot leave the term which called surrealism which I mentioned in In The Mood For Love. Based on previous blog, surrealism is the term to explain something super real which means the superior reality of certain forms of association. For example, they experienced disturbance from the blair witch which was so real based on their expression. 

     Not only that but also the term of surrealism can also been looked from the shaking camera they were holding. For instance, they ran away from the blair witch; the camera was tried to show how real during that time when running from dangerous. Besides this, props used in the movie were real such as the wooden stick and the rock to show the sign from blair witch like what people told them before. 

The Climax Scene

     This is the scene which people talked about. The rock means someone was going into trouble. 

     This the part when they lost for 1 day in the jungle and it looked a human hanging himself or herself. There were some of sharp wooden stick around this thing. 

     This scene showed Josh's clothes and his bloody tongue and teeth after he separated from his team.

     This is the ending part of the film when Heather found out something weird to Mike and she knocked by something behind. 

     In short, this movie was great because it got my attention to expect what will happen to them and it made me felt panic when some weird incident around them is like someone is hunting or looking for them. I watched some of documentaries film before and I think that this movie was attracted and impressed me a lot because I never know that was blair witch in this world which let me knows one new thing in my life. Thanks for spending time with me.  

S.Hayward (2013), Cinema Studies: The Key Concepts, Fourth Edition, Routledge, London and New York

1 comment:

  1. Confusing. Need to be more organized. Observe proper in-text citations. Be more focused. If talking about documentaries, stick to it, instead of bringing in surrealism, etc.
